This half term in Science we have been learning about the 4 seasons: Spring, Summer Autumn and Winter. We have identified the signs of Autumn and made physical observations and recorded our findings.
The children then looked at how the seasons change across the months of the year exploring which weathers we could see across the 4 seasons in the year. In classes we made predictions and recorded what we thought would happen to leaves in solution that were changing in colour overtime and was a good experiment to observe the changes in leaves and explore why leaves fall from their trees in Autumn.
In the seasons we see a wide range of changes across the year including in animals, we explored and observed what happens to animas when they need to hibernate. The children sorted and classified animals into 2 groups: animals that hibernate and animals that migrate.
The children noticed changes across our weathers in the different seasons and we identified how weather is associated with the seasons looking at how day length varies. We recorded the hours of sunlight and discussed why the hours of sunlight get longer or shorter.