Year 3/4 have been working hard by learning how our planet is being affected by Climate Change. We thought about the Cop26 meeting and how we need to make changes for a better future for everyone.
The children learnt about deforestation, the effects of farming and dangerous pollution. We looked at greenhouse gasses and thought of ways we could reduce these. To spread the word about the dangers of climate change, Y34 wrote non chronological reports.
We also had Mattea from Re-educating Earthlings come in to do workshops with us and teach us more about our environment and the risks we are facing.
Mattea has written a book called 'Will Mr Sloth save the Rainforest?' which we read and then wrote our own stories about how animals are losing their homes because of humans.
We hope that if more people know about the dangers of Climate Change, we will be able to stop it.
Y3/4 have also adopted an elephant (Amani) from the WWF to help these beautiful creatures!