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Milford-on-Sea Church of England Primary School Academy Trust

We 'CARE' Courage, Aspire, Respect, Explore

Geography - Where We Live

Welcome to Milford on Sea!


The children received a letter from Holly the Hippo who had recently arrived in Milford on Sea.  She wanted to know all about the village and what made it special.  She asked the children through a series of letters, to share information about what makes it a special place to live in, what activities she could participate in,and what landmarks can be found in the village.


The children undertook several tasks for Holly which included creating a map of their classroom, school and the village. Using an ordnance survey map, the children identified landmarks around the village by matching the symbols to the facility.


Each class went on a local walk around the village.  They had a scavenger hunt to spot local landmarks during the walk before heading back to school to create a map to show the journey we took.
