Collective Worship at MOSPS

'Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs'
Psalm 100
Aims of our worship
- To promote the joy of worship as engaging, inspiring and transformative
- To develop spirituality, morality, social and cultural values
- Sometimes to provide a peaceful environment enabling stillness, reflection and prayer
- Sometimes to be noisy and joyous with singing, music, dance, drama, gymnastics etc
- To give an opportunity to experience faith as revealed in the Bible
- To understand, celebrate and develop children’s knowledge of Christian beliefs, celebrations, traditions and religious festivals in the Anglican Church’s year
- Facilitate a deeper understanding of the Christian story narrative, from creation to the present day
- To appreciate that people, cultures and beliefs differ and to demonstrate respect, tolerance and generosity towards them
- To develop young children’s sense of self-worth and to provide opportunities to celebrate achievements.
- To develop a caring attitude to others and a sense of community and loyalty
- To provide opportunities for children to plan, lead, contribute to, monitor and evaluate collective worship
- To invite clergy of the parish, other lay members of the parish and other Christian leaders in the community [as are acceptable to the parish church] to lead worship weekly
How we achieve our aims
We aim to promote collective acts of worship, which are rich, meaningful experiences that are appropriate and significant to the pupil’s needs, age, development and interest by:
- Creating a sense of occasion and reverence
- Providing opportunities that develop pupil’s awareness of what is beautiful, good, wonderful, awesome and puzzling in life experience
- Arranging worship at different places when possible, different times with different people and groupings, involving all members of the setting community at some time
- Planning and linking themes which focus on a particular idea/concept, i.e. the liturgical year; festivals and celebrations, our Christian values
- Using a wide range of resources, artefacts (from religious and secular sources), music, art, drama and external visitors to engage children’s interest
- Encouraging children to participate and experience different styles of worship, e.g. prayer, praise, silence, rituals, and become familiar with the language of worship, Biblical readings and liturgy
- Providing opportunities for children and adults to reflect, contemplate their own thoughts, feelings and beliefs
- Using the centrality of prayer – personal silent prayer, personal shared prayers, collective prayers, writing prayers; all prayer will be invitational
- Involving young children and members of the wider community to participate in collective worship and activities within the parish
- Presenting and creating displays that promote and enhance spiritual ideas, thoughts and questions
Global Neighbours GOLD Award

Click the link below to find out more about our fantastic achievement:
Key events from the Christian calendar are celebrated through Collective Worship. These include bible stories, reflections and prayers. Links are made to the local community, the wider world and include global issues using the United Nations Goals for Sustainable Development.
Worship Books and Reflection
Each class has their own Worship Book where they collect ideas, photos, reflections and prayers linked to Collective Worship.
The children take a key role in maintaining and updating the class Worship Book and they often write their own prayers linked to Collective Worship.
Their reflections and discussions are captured using speech bubbles and quotes.
We have strong links with All Saints' Church, Milford-on-Sea. The children visit the church at different times during the year to take part in and lead Collective Worship. The vicar also visits the children in school to maintain links with each other.