We have marked this important global day with a series of worships and activities linked to the concept of HAPPINESS.
The children have been exploring how we can find happiness through Nature (God’s Creation), Mindfulness/Spirituality, Gratitude, Learning, Creativity and in Serving Others.
We have also considered how the concept and language of happiness is different around the globe and that not all of us experience happiness in the same way.
At the end of each worship, the children came up with some different activities and tasks that could be completed linked to Happiness. These have all be added to our very own MOSPS Happiness Calendar and there were enough ideas to have one for everyday we have left of this school year!
Take a look at some of our prayers, activities and Worship Books below.
Finding HAPPINESS through Nature...
Dear God,
I thank you for everything you have given me.
Everywhere I look I see your creation and I see beauty.
In nature I see your artwork.
In nature I see love and happiness.
Help me to be a protector of nature and your creation.
Finding HAPPINESS through Mindfulness...
Finding HAPPINESS through Gratitude...
Dear Lord,
Thank you for all the important things making my life rich,
For my family, friends, health, food and shelter.
Thank you for the shining light in the darkness,
For hope and your love that surrounds me always.
May I always be grateful and happy,
For who I am and all that I will be.
Finding HAPPINESS through Learning...
Dear God,
Thank you for all the new things out there for us to discover,
For all the skills we are yet to master,
And for giving us the courage to try new things.
Help us to learn from our mistakes,
And to persevere when things get tricky,
So we can feel the joy and happiness of learning.
Finding HAPPINESS through Creativity...
Dear God,
Thank you for showing us your creativity when you created the Earth,
For helping us to be creative thinkers too,
And for giving us the strength to solve problems.
Help us show creativity in all we do,
So we can express ourselves in different ways.
Finding HAPPINESS through Serving Others...
Dear God,
Thank you for showing us how to look after others,
How to care for each other,
And how our small acts of kindness can affect our feelings as well as theirs.
Help us to show we care for people we know, and those we don’t.
Those who are near,
And those who are far.
Let us follow you in finding happiness in serving others.