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Milford-on-Sea Church of England Primary School Academy Trust

We 'CARE' Courage, Aspire, Respect, Explore


It gives me great pleasure to share the published Ofsted report on our recent inspection. As mentioned previously, the inspection went incredibly well and we had extremely positive oral feedback about the school on the day.


This report does not give any formal judgements and details the strengths of the quality of history education in the school and records any development points discussed on the day.


We are proud that this report reflects how well the curriculum is planned and delivered, making sure all pupils, at every phase of learning, are gaining the skills and knowledge they need to succeed and develop a love for subjects such as history. It highlights how memorable and enjoyable our lessons are for the children and how well we utilise the rich historical locality we live in.


Of course, none of this is possible without the dedication of the staff at MOSPS and the inspection highlights the high level of skill and subject knowledge our teachers have.


Congratulations to all the MOSPS staff, children and volunteers that help us bring learning to life!
