Miss Crawford's Visit to China
Back in October 2019, Miss Crawford joined eight other Hampshire School Leaders in visiting the City of Shenzhen in China. The visit was to establish links with Chinese Schools, share good practice and develop mutual respect and understanding through education.
While there, Miss Crawford and the team delivered a series of presentations to some of the country’s leading educationalists. They also got to visit lots of schools and enjoyed learning about Chinese Culture and the super-modern, technological city of Shenzhen.
During the week, the school made formal links with the following sister schools:
Shenzhen Luohu Cuibei Experimental Primary School
Shenzhen Luohu Foreign Languages Junior School
Shenzhen Bao’an BaoMin Primary School
Shenzhen Bao’an Xixiang Street Fenggang Primary School
For more information and photos, take a look at the daily blog Miss Crawford sent back to school...
Day One
I arrived in Hong Kong about 5pm on Sunday evening and it was 28’C. I met up with the other people on the trip and we travelled from Hong Kong airport to Shenzhen.
Today, I have had a busy day sightseeing in the city.
The people are lovely here and it’s a beautifully clean and friendly city.
I’ve sent Mr Willis and Miss Walton some pictures of my trip so far.
Try and spot:
Miss Crawford
Day Two
Today we all went and spoke at a conference and shared information about our schools. I spoke about our We CARE Values and everyone loved it! I signed a ceremonial partnership with two primary schools who would like to keep in touch and work with MOSPS.
We then went on a tour of three primary schools. The schools have around 1500 children and are much bigger than ours. They have separate teachers for every subject, like in secondary schools.
Try and spot:
It is super tidy and clean everywhere in Shenzhen and the schools are the same. The children have done some work on pollution and the importance of keeping the environment clean.
Tomorrow we are off to three more schools in a different district so I will keep you posted.
I hope everyone at MOSPS is well.
Miss you all,
Miss C
Day Three
Hi from Shenzhen!
I am glad everyone is enjoying hearing news from China. Today was really special.
It started off with visiting some more amazing schools.
Here are some of the best bits:
One thing I must share before I go… The children have two hours off for lunch here. They eat and then have a sleep on little beds at school or go home before afternoon lessons. No wonder our Chinese visitors were tired!! What do you think?? Shall we all have a little sleep in the afternoon?? Nahh!!
Bye for now,
Miss C
Day Four
Today was our last day of visiting schools, followed by a big conference.
The young children really impressed me today with their English – I have sent you a little video to watch.
We visited a school that had 6000 pupils and 800 members of staff - it was like a small town! It had different buildings for different year groups all the way from Nursery up to Year 11. I took a photo of a model of the school.
We were also treated to a model lesson – this is where a whole class of children were on stage being taught by their teacher so we could see what their lesson would be like.
I also had to use my own Courage today to go on stage a present. It was very scary with so many important Chinese officials and teachers. I spoke about our We CARE Values and amazing Forest and Beach Schools. I think they really liked it.
We now have several schools in Shenzhen that would like to work with us and a group who will come and visit.
Have a look at my photos and see if you can spot some things from today:
Bye for now,
Miss C
Day Five
Today we have been to the tech market and we did some shopping. I’ve bought Mr Willis an exciting gift, but you’ll have to wait until I get back to find out what it is.
This afternoon we did some karaoke – tell Miss Birch and the choir that I did them proud! Apparently it is a very popular Chinese past time.
After this, we went to the Shenzhen Light show which was amazing!
See you all after Half Term!
Miss C
PS – Key Stage 2, I liked your napping photo!