At MOSPS we believe that a strong Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education is key to developing successful, happy life-long learners. Our world is changing rapidly and our PSHE curriculum needs to be dynamic and relevant to our pupils’ context, locally, nationally and globally.
The core elements of study are Health and Well-being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. PSHE skills and attributes are taught throughout our whole school curriculum and are an essential part in safeguarding our pupils.
The intention of our PSHE curriculum is to build growth mindset characteristics in our pupils, strongly underpinned by our We CARE Values. Pupils learn how to self-regulate, thrive on feedback, embrace challenge and overcome obstacles. We offer opportunities for pupils to explore their feelings, spirituality and creativity. To find out who they want to be and explore the pathways they will need to take to get there.
Our ‘We CARE’ curriculum helps develop and maintain a healthy self-concept and the skills to be reflective about new experiences, beliefs and values. We provide opportunity to discuss social and moral dilemmas. We actively engage with issues of diversity, identity and equality through the exploration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We explore wellbeing and key factors in this (local and global) and causes and consequences of economic inequality. We also develop pupils understanding of different types of rights, with particular reference to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Our curriculum offers a lots of opportunity to develop empathy and compassion, how to respect the ideas and beliefs of others and how to be discerning in evaluating arguments.
Our intention is for pupils to leave primary ready for secondary and the world of work by being active listeners, team players, negotiators, communicators and leaders. They will be able to risk assess and keep themselves safe, both in the real and virtual world. They will be open minded individuals who will make a valuable contribution to our global society.
We are a Heartsmart school and we use Heartsmart to deliver our Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum. Heartsmart is a creative approach that we use to build character, emotional health and resilience in our children. It enables children to adopt a growth mindset whilst maintaining a healthy emotional self. Heartsmart is about loving and accepting ourselves as well as loving and responding well to others.
Each class has a Heartsmart lesson each week where they explore the Heartsmart High Five. These are linked to the principles of feeling valued, considering others and showing empathy, forgiveness, being truthful and not giving up when faced with a challenge. The whole school has two Heartsmart worships each half term to explain these concepts in more detail.
Yasmine and Tom
In Year 1 to 6 we also use Growing Up with Yasmine and Tom, an online resource, to deliver our Sex and Relationship curriculum.
In Key Stage 1 the children learn about friendships, how to take care of themselves, different families, naming body parts and how to keep safe.
In Year 3/4 the children learn about gender stereotypes, themselves, friendships, families, their personal and private body parts, taking care of themselves and who can help them online.
In Year 5/6 the children also learn about friendships, families and keeping safe online, Year 5 children also learn about the emotional and physical changes of puberty and in Year 6 the children learn about the processes of reproduction and birth.
Keeping Safe
Flat Stan First Aid
This term all of our children from Year R to Year 6 were offered the exciting opportunity to take part in the Flat Stan First Aid workshops.
Using the child-friendly Flat Stan manikins, the children learnt:
- What First Aid is and who can deliver it
- When and how to get help
- How to check if someone is responsive and breathing
- What you should do if someone is not breathing
- How to deliver chest compressions (CPR)
- How to help someone who is choking
- How to help someone who is bleeding or has burnt themselves
They all had a really enjoyable time and learnt so much about this valuable life skill.
Fire Safety
Year 1 / 2 and Year 5 /6 had a visit from the Hampshire Fire Service to talk to the children about fire safety and how to get help.
Year 1/2 also received a visit from a parent, who is a fire fighter. He told the children all about his job and about the different equipment he and his team use. They even had a video tour of the fire engine!
Each year we follow the NSPCC 'Speak Out. Stay Safe' which is an online safeguarding programme for children aged 5- to 11-years-old.
It helps children understand:
This year we also welcomed in two NSPCC volunteers and Buddy to come and talk to the Year 2 children more about some of these issues. The children remembered all they had learnt through the assemblies and answered questions very thoughtfully and respectfully.
As part of our Keeping Safe curriculum, we have 4 JRSO's that have done an excellent job this year. They are a very important part of the school as they help to raise awareness and promote road safety issues to everyone in the school and the wider community.
They attended a virtual training session with many other schools in Hampshire and during the year have attended catch up sessions to report what they have been doing in school like....
* Running the Be Bright Be Seen day and competition which began with a short presentation to the school
* Promoting many poster competitions during the year
* Creating their own t shirts to share the Road Safety messages
* Creating a display board in the school for all to see.
* Running a presentation to our Year 3 4 children all about Cycle Safety
Anti-Bullying Week
Each year all children take part in the national Anti-Bullying week organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, which is a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying.
Last year we followed the theme of One Kind Word and all children had a worship to introduce this idea and then during the week each class discussed this in more depth using stories and songs. Various children across the school decided to make their own Kindness posters to put on display and each child made smaller kindness postcards for our whole school display. They needed to think about a time when they had been shown kindness or when someone had shown kindness to them. For the children in Year R, they focused on how they feel when they are shown kindness.