We have really enjoyed learning a bit more about the human body this half term.
We began by looking at which parts of our bodies are used to digest food and what each organ does.
We watched an experiment that used a freezer bag to show how the stomach adds acids and crushes the food. We then put the food into a pair of tights that acted like the intestines, releasing all the goodness back into the body. Finally we cut a hole in the end of the tights and removed the waste in a similar way to how the human body does. Great fun!
We have also looked at the functions of our teeth and started to think about how important it is to look after them. This week we have set up an experiment to see how the enamel is affected by different drinks.
We have put 5 hard boiled eggs into cups of: milk, tea, orange juice, water and cola.
We will look at how the shells react as the shells are similar to the enamel on our teeth.
We have made predictions and we all think the coke will have the worst effect as it has the most sugar.