What's New for 2021-22?
This year we are super excited to re-connect each of our classes with our friends in Kushadevi. Over the course of the year, we will use our connections to share learning and spread the word on UN Global Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals. Our focus will be shared experiences and joint ventures.
Year 3 and 4 classes will look back at lockdown, reflect on 'Hope' and consider 'wellbeing'. Yr 5 and 6 classes will consider natural disasters that have affected our communities, share a 'Global' picture book, and consider how outdoor learning affects wellbeing. KS1 will be thinking about the role of recycling, share a recycled art project and share some physical wellbeing challenges as we head towards Sports Day.
As each classroom connection happens, a brief write-up will appear below, so keep coming back to this page to keep up-to-date with our programme of live-links.
Hooray -Live Links Start Up Again!
Sister School Project Postponed until further notice due to
School Closures.