The Fall of Adam and Eve
Year 3/4 began by looking at the concept of temptation.
The teachers told them they were not allowed a sweet but then offered them sweets to show the children how it felt to be tempted. They then thought about times in the past when they'd felt the same emotion and created their own artwork inspired by temptation.
The children studied the Big Frieze and made links to other areas in the Old Testament before reading the Story of Adam and Eve.
They used Hot seating and drama to try to understand the roles and emotions of each person and tried to understand why they made those choices. We thought about the consequences for both Adam and Eve and mankind.
We then redesigned the Big Frieze asking 'what if Adam and Eve had not betrayed God?'
We then looked at the Ten Commandments from God and thought about their importance today. We created our own commamndments for the world today and thought about what we had learnt from the story of 'The Fall'.