Our Global Resolution 2019
This January, as well as making our own resolutions, like cutting down on chocolate, or being more helpful at home, each phase thought a little bigger and made a global resolution, linked to one of the Global Goals for Sustainability. In Year 3/4 we chose goal !5 - Life on Land.
Our resolution was this: We resolve to take action to halt the loss of biodiversity by taking action to help Britain’s birds.
Over the year, we have learned about the importance of birds to our eco-system and spent time looking at the birds that use our school site. we even did the Big Schools' Bird Watch and submitted our results to the RSPB.
To look after these birds and to encourage more to come, in the spring term we made lots of 'fat-ball' bird feeders and this term we met with Milford Conservation Society's Keith Metcalf to discuss the possible effect on our bird population of the School Lane housing development.
We discovered that thought the housing development might not be a change we want, it might not necessarily be a bad thing for our birds. To make sure that Penny Farthing Developments think about our birds as they build, we wrote letters to make suggestions as to how they could make the estate and surrounding land bird and wildlife-friendly.
In the autumn term, we will build bird boxes to give next year's parent birds more places to nest safely on our site.