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Milford-on-Sea Church of England Primary School Academy Trust

We 'CARE' Courage, Aspire, Respect, Explore


Mathematics Curriculum Intent


At Milford-on-Sea Primary School, we intend mathematics to be a creative and an essential element to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for achieving economic well-being and for success in most forms of employment.


Our intent for mathematics at MOSPS is for it to provide a basis for pupils to learn to reason mathematically, in order to solve increasingly complex and real life problems with resilience and courage, and to create a sense of enjoyment, exploration and curiosity about the subject. We encourage children to spot patterns, and make links in their learning through their mathematical experiences, and for children to become more confidence when linking their mathematical learning to those in other curriculum areas.


Mathematics will aspire to be a foundation on which children can explore their understanding of the world, the global issues being faced by today’s society and how they can influence these through understanding of data, respecting the issues surrounding finance and the wider implications of this. We want our pupils to be happy, resilient mathematicians, who relish the challenge of maths and see how it fits into the ‘bigger picture’.

Maths Policy

Calculation Policy

Bar Modelling at MOSPS

