UN Lymington Branch Visit MOSPS
On January 29th, MOSPS staff and pupils hosted an illustrated talk on how we are approaching the ambitious goal of teaching the primary curriculum through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The talk, organised in collaboration with The Lymington United Nations Association, was attended by UNA members from both Lymington and Southampton and individuals from other community groups all sharing a passion for a sustainable future.
The talk covered how we have embedded Global Learning into our We CARE Values (Courage, Aspire, Respect and Explore) and how all 17 sustainable development goals are threaded through everyday lessons across all subjects. Pupils from every year group proudly shared the work they had completed on their Global Resolutions for the year with YR concentrating on Recycling; Y1 and Y2 learning about the importance of Bees and ways to address their decline; Y3/4 working to preserve and improve Biodiversity and natural habitats for birds around the school site and Y5/6 researching sustainable lifestyles with a focus on global issues such as palm oil and deforestation, as well as the New Forest Marque and other eco conscious initiatives.
We were able to share lots of examples of our work and the action our pupils have taken both as individuals and as part of their learning in school.
Guests also heard how our school’s Sister Schools project with Shree Kushadevi School in Nepal is using the Global Goals in our ‘live links’ to raise awareness and promote collaborative thinking around ‘action for climate change’. Plans for other link projects with schools in China, Spain and Malawi were also shared.
Outdoor Learning is a huge passion of our school and those attending the talk learned about its Forest and Beach School initiatives.
The afternoon was brought to a stirring and inspirational close by the school choir, who performed two environmentally-themed songs, one of them in Swahili.
Click this link to watch our video showing how the UN Goals are at the centre of our MOSPS Curriculum:
Quotes from the community
"It made me feel very humble that they’re doing so much. The singing was sublime, the artwork was delightful and the children were so happy and self-assured."
Angela Norman (UN Member)
"Really fantastic example of a school determined to educate the whole child and ensure they are genuinely global citizens. Inspirational..."
Lyndsey Stride
"Adapting the curriculum to the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals is a formidable task and Milford-on-Sea Primary have risen to the challenge with distinction. A superb, beautifully choreographed presentation from the Headteacher, children and staff of this aspirational school showcased the truly outstanding work of MOSPS."
Gill Hickman ‘Sussed in the forest’ (Tweeted)
"Great presentation. Learnt loads and great to see the project work for Young Vets Club amongst the amazing other work being done."
Nicky Cook ‘Young Vets Club’ (Tweeted)