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Milford-on-Sea Church of England Primary School Academy Trust

We 'CARE' Courage, Aspire, Respect, Explore

Spanish School Link


El Sagrado Corazón 


We are very lucky to be linked to El Sagrado Corazón, a private Spanish school in Pamplona, Navarre, North Spain. 


Pamplona is the capital of Navarre province in northern Spain. It’s best known for the Running of the Bulls (Feast of San Fermín) in July. 

A previous member of staff set up the link with El Sagrado Corazón a few years ago.   


The children in year 5/6 regularly share their experiences by writing twice a year to their respective counterparts in Pamplona. They are always very excited to receive correspondence back.


Over the last two years we have held video links during the summer which has heightened the excitement of having a connection with someone in the language that we are learning.             


We hope to expand on our connection with the school and its staff and children by sharing our similarities and differences through letter writing and video links.
