MOSPS spreads HOPE to the Community
MOSPS have been working hard to spread some hope to our local community during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Beach School got us started by spreading messages of hope by decorating and hiding pebbles during their final trip down to Milford beach. Have you spotted any of the colourful messages?
Before school closed, the children in Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 designed postcards and cards to be delivered to vulnerable members of our local community. Their designs have been sent to local care homes, as well as Oakhaven Hospice, who we already have very strong links with through the annual Acorn Project. It has been wonderful to hear how much people have enjoyed receiving our cards!
MOSPS is currently open for the children of Keyworkers, and the children have been working hard to continue the community spirit by making rainbows for Lymington Hospital. These have been received really positively and are helping to bring some joy to both patients and staff in this difficult time.
MOSPS Clap for Key Workers Video
With a little help from our fabulous Mini MOSPS team, we were able to create a video tribute for our friends at Oakhaven Hospice to share during the Thursday even 'Clap for Key Workers'.
Take a look at the video here: