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Milford-on-Sea Church of England Primary School Academy Trust

We 'CARE' Courage, Aspire, Respect, Explore

Year 1

Celebration of World Music! 


This week's topic web is all about the Celebration of World Music. World Music Day takes place on 21st June and is a celebration of all musicians; young and old, amateur and professional, from different countries all around the world. Usually, cities would have musicians performing in public places. But as this year is slightly different, it is our turn to make music! You may want to make your own instruments, create your own performances, do some research or listen to a variety of different songs. 


Whatever year group you are in, you can work together on aspects of the topic theme. As with previous weeks, just select activities from the topic web that you would like to do - either on your own, with your brother/sister, or together as a family.


As always, we love seeing what you have been up to, so remember to e-mail your teacher with pictures. Thanks to all the children and parents who have already sent things through to us - we love seeing and hearing all about your lock-down experiences and Home Learning!
