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Milford-on-Sea Church of England Primary School Academy Trust

We 'CARE' Courage, Aspire, Respect, Explore

Lulworth Cove Trip

Lulworth Cove & Durdle Door Geography Trip!


On Friday 3rd May, Year 5/6 had a wonderful trip to Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door. As part of our coastal topic, we discovered how the coastline was formed in both of these places. We learnt all about the different rock types that were used in the area and how this effects erosion and we also explored the unique coastal features at Lulworth cove such as the crumple, stair hole and even saw a recent landslide in the cove. Not only were we lucky enough to have glorious weather, we were privileged enough to watch a seal basking in the sun.  
