This half-term for RE we look at the part of the 'Big Frieze' called Gospel. This is all about Jesus' birth, life, teachings and death. We began our week by looking at all of the sections of the 'Big Frieze' and discussed what we could remember. Our teachers were extremely impressed with all the parts we knew. We then zoomed in on Gospel and had to look for any clues to what this section might be about. After this, we thought about what was precious to us and what we wouldn't want to give up and learned about what Jesus had asked the disciples to give up in order to follow him and spread his message. We thought about the kind of man Jesus was and what he was trying to teach and thought back to some of the parables we had read in the past and the message in these. This led us on to answering our big question:
What type of world did Jesus want?
We created a piece of artwork to represent this. We then looked at our local parish website to see what Christians were doing in the community and decided which was the most important for the world Jesus wanted to the least. Following this, we linked the world Jesus wanted to the world we wanted and created a world showing how it is now to how it should be.
We finished our Gospel unit by looking at different scenarios in our world such as seeing a homeless person. We then had to think about what we would do and what a Christian would do. We could see by doing this how we were making a world Jesus wanted.