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Milford-on-Sea Church of England Primary School Academy Trust

We 'CARE' Courage, Aspire, Respect, Explore



Our Religious Education contributes towards our We CARE vision, which holistically embodies our Christian and British values. It enables children to explore and discover the world around them, having respect for other cultures and diversity.


Through a hands-on, inquiry-based curriculum, children will ask questions and explore religions and beliefs from around the world. It ensures children have the opportunities to explore their own Spiritual, Moral and Cultural identity.  


Our curriculum engages learners by demonstrating the relevance of Religious Education in tackling local and global challenges. In an ever-changing world, at MOSPS we encourage the children to be reflective thinkers and show care and understanding towards all global citizens - aspiring for a kinder world.


Real-life experiences are a fundamental part of our approach that motivates learners to deepen and expand their knowledge. Through regular worships, trips, visits and our link with a school in Nepal, children are given the opportunity to reflect and widen their knowledge of themselves and others.

Living Difference IV

Collective Worship Policy

Golden Thread Concepts


InterFaith Week 2022 - One Big Community 

This week in school children have been celebrating Interfaith week with the theme ‘One Big Community’. Interfaith Week begins on Remembrance Sunday because when we remember, we look back but it is also a place from which to look forward and reflect on how to work together for a peaceful and just world. The children were shown this Jo Cox  quote ‘We are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us’  and asked to produce a piece of artwork to show how we are all united and ‘One Big Community.’ Here are some examples:

Rakhi bracelets in Y3/4

Y3/4 were looking at the concept of belonging in Hinduism. 

We looked at how families come together for Raksha Bandhan and you make rakhis to give to a relative (usually a brother or sister) who they want to belong with and protect. 

InterFaith Week 2021 - Love 



Creation in Y1/2: What made the World? 

Creation in Y3/4: What do Christians learn from the story of creation? 

God: What does it mean if God is holy and loving?
