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Milford-on-Sea Church of England Primary School Academy Trust

We 'CARE' Courage, Aspire, Respect, Explore



                                                                 2024 - 2025




              Class 3                                                 Class 4                                              Class 5

               Miss Blachford                                                            Mrs Walker-Arnott                                                       Mrs Bridle            

Year 1 2 Overview Autumn 1


                                                                 2023 - 2024


              Class 3                                           Class 4                                           Class 5

               Mrs Thomas                                                      Mrs Walker-Arnott                                                    Mrs Bridle            


                                                                 2022 - 2023


              Class 3                                           Class 4                                       Class 5

                   Miss Lock                                                            Mrs Vibert                                                      Miss Walton                         

2021 - 2022

2020 - 2021

Welcome to Year 1/2






Please watch our transition presentations for September 2020 which include important information to aid a successful start to term for you and your child.


Moving to Y2 Presentation:

Moving to Y3 Presentation:




Parent Share - Castles and Dragons

What a great turn out for the parent share. The children were so proud to show their recent learning about bees and castles. The parents could not believe how fantastic and individual their model castles were. The event was brought to a close by a performance by the children which raised lots of smiles. A special thank you to those who bought sweet honey treats to contribute to the Oakhaven fundraiser.

Hurst Castle Trip

KS1 had such a fantastic day exploring Hurst Castle on Tuesday. We couldn't have been luckier with the weather and the children did us proud, showing respect and enthusiasm throughout the whole day. The children experienced an interactive and interesting tour where their classroom learning was brought to life. Finding the 500 year old portcullis brought such excitement as did the dark and dingy dungeon!  What a great end to our topic!

Global Resolution - The plight of the bees. 
This year, 1/2 were set a Global Resolution Goal of finding out about the plight of the bees. They spent time each term looking at different aspects of bee life and were very surprised about how much they provide for humans. Some of the children wrote letters to the Prime Minister to persuade the Government to make a law to protect the bees. Other children learnt how bees help to grow fruit and vegetables through a process called pollination. We then spent time making our school garden bee friendly by making bug hotels and planting bright,colourful flowers. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about bees and have been inspired to protect them. 
New Forest Schools Day Trip
On Thursday 6th June, Year 1/2 spent the day at the New Forest showground learning about many different aspects of forest life. All the children had an enjoyable day taking part in a range of activities and learnt a lot to help them with their 'Food Glorious Food' topic. 
Milford-on-Sea Village Trip 

Our Geography topic was called Magnificent Milford.

We learnt about birds eye views and made maps of the school. Then we learnt about landmarks and types of house that we might spot on our way to Milford village. 

Each class spent a morning in the village trying to spot the landmarks and different types of houses. We also looked at the varieties of shops and businesses around the green. 

The Children thoroughly enjoyed their Milford trip and showed very sensible behaviour when walking along busy roads. 


Outdoor Provision
Year 1 have really enjoyed the opportunity to consolidate their learning in their new outdoor leaning area, building on from their independent learning skills developed in EYFS. During our Sudden Hill narrative work, they made a fantastic bus from a cardboard box and used their phonic skills to make signs and labels. They also wrote letters to their friends, just like Etho in the story. During the Three Little Pigs story, the children not only created a variety of houses for the pigs, but role-played the story outside using props and wrote sections of the story, continuing on from another child's ideas. In maths, they used their knowledge of different models and images to represent number in both place value and calculation. The children wrote numbers in order, created their own part-whole models and wrote number sentences when finding two Numicon tiles buried in the sand. It was great to observe the children taking time to rehearse their learning and develop their reasoning skills. It has been great to observe the children deepening their understanding of class learning and taking on new challenges outside. They are so enthusiastic and cannot wait for their turn to learn outside!