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Milford-on-Sea Church of England Primary School Academy Trust

We 'CARE' Courage, Aspire, Respect, Explore

English - Beatrix Potter

As our Art and English topics, we learnt more about Beatrix Potter and her wonderful characters and books.The children learnt all about her life and how she became inspired to write stories and how she created such unique characters. We had so much fun creating our own garden for Mr McGregor and the children then had to write instructions of how to escape the garden! The children wrote so many excellent pieces of writing including a sorry letter to mummy rabbit, a diary of Peter's day and our final piece was to re write the story of Peter Rabbit. These were then published into their own books with their own artwork on the front.

During out art lessons, the children focussed more on Beatrix Potter's skills as an artist and the children had the opportunity to practice their sketching of animals in the New Forest. We learnt more about tone, texture, line and colour in our lessons and how she used these to make her characters 'come to life.' Their final piece was to choose their favourite character and sketch it and then finish it by painting it using the watercolours. 
