Sports Calendar Comes To A Close With Yr 5-6 Inclusion Event
The last sporting event of the 2022-23 academic year gave our Yr 5-6 pupils the chance to participate in some fantastic, if unusual, sports made famous by the Paralympics. Following the success of the Yr 3-4 Inclusion Sports event earlier in the year, the PSP was keen to increase participation in these sorts of sports and offer the older children a chance to get involved.
The team of 6 Yr 5&6 pupils who accompanied Mrs Rand to the event were excited, to get the opportunity to explore sports such as seated volleyball, goal ball, New Age Kurling and Boccia.
The focus of the afternoon was fun rather than competition and Mrs Rand said that the children really showed their WE CARE Values as they explored the new sports and aspired to master new skills.
With only two schools attending, our team played each of the four sports together and completed two rotations over the afternoon. This gave them the chance to have a really good go at everything.
The staff from Priestlands were so impressed with the ‘have a go’ attitude and the way that they all supported each other and had fun, that they nominated every player on the team to receive a ‘teamwork’ wristband.
Well done to everyone who went, and thank you for representing the school so well.
Thanks, also to Mrs Rand – not just for her work with the team on Wednesday, but for her work over the whole year. Without her managing and coordinating the teams each week, we wouldn’t be able to give so many children the chance to represent the school in sport - 82% of pupils from Years 3-6 have taken part in sports events this year – a fantastic achievement!