Terrific Effort Sees Milford Take Third Spot at PSP Quicksticks Event
Our first sporting event of the summer term saw a team of Year 3-4 pupils set off for Priestlands armed with hockey sticks, mouth guards, shin pads and smiles. There was even a nod to summer in the weather too, as there were no April showers, just lovely spring sunshine.
With three other schools attending the event and a schedule that saw each school playing each other twice, there was no shortage of hockey over the afternoon. The games were 6 minutes long with no half time so Mrs Rand was once again tasked with sorting and synchronising the subs, to make sure that all players got equal time out on the pitch.
Team MOSPS started nervously, but built in confidence over the afternoon and by the last game, all the players were loving their hockey and desperate to be involved. Mrs Rand said that she was really proud of the effort shown by the whole team and that it was wonderful to finish the afternoon on a high, with a 3-1 victory over Lymington Juniors.
Up against some tough competition, that victory was the only one Milford managed over the course of the event, but that, and an earlier 2-2 draw against the same team, was enough to secure third place in the overall standings and bronze medals for their efforts. The tournament was won by an accomplished Beaulieu team, with Brockenhurst Primary taking the silver medals. Our congratulations go to Beaulieu, but well done to all the teams who took part.
Everyone on team MOSPS can feel really proud of the way their confidence and play developed over the afternoon, but a special mention should go to Oscar and Jessica, who were awarded ‘Creativity’ wristbands from the staff at Priestlands for their efforts.
Thanks to Mrs Rand for managing and supporting the players throughout the event and to all the parents who helped with transporting and supporting on the day.
Next week it is the turn of our Yr 5-6 pupils to hit the astro-turf for their hockey competition.